Development of Campaign Materials
In the last five years, donations to the United Way of Decatur & Mid-Illinois have declined. Revenue is down $650,000, which is causing unfortunate but necessary internal changes, such as leaving job openings unfilled and cutting internally run community programs. However, the economic situation contributing to the revenue decline also means that more people than ever are turning to United Way-funded programs in the areas of homelessness, safety, hunger, and shelter.
Ensure creative marketing materials are being developed, produced, and distributed to area employees and residents in a timely manner to increase donations and support when they matter most.
We work with the United Way to help maintain a steady stream of marketing materials for the communities served as each county�s campaign launch approaches. We were able to help the United Way successfully launch the 2011 campaign within Macon County by updating pledge forms, developing several literature pieces, and providing direction for and writing solicitation letters. We will continue to help the agency through the development of additional marketing materials for United Way-supported counties as the campaign progresses.
Ensure creative marketing materials are being developed, produced, and distributed
Produce materials in a timely manner to increase donations and support when they matter most.
Assist in a smooth campaign launch within Macon County
B2B and B2C communication, writing services, development of print collateral